A triumphant return and celebration of excellence

June 3, 2024

The Vancouver International Auto Show 2024 exceeded expectations and broke attendance records

It was four long years without the Vancouver International Auto Show (VIAS), and now that the curtain has officially closed on the 100th edition — what a spectacular return to form it was! 

The show roared back in grand style this past March, making its long-anticipated comeback with record-breaking attendance and a renewed spirit of innovation and celebration.

The anticipation leading up to the VIAS was one of excitement and apprehension. After all, the past four years has been a period of stops and starts, setbacks, and questions in automotive circles about what the future holds for consumer events of this kind. 

We embraced the challenge, creating a re-imagined event that would appeal to those beyond the traditional auto show attendee, and the results speak for themselves: The 2024 VIAS shattered previous attendance records, surpassing even the most optimistic projections, with the number of visitors passing through the turnstiles during the five-day event exceeding 129,000. On Saturday alone, we recorded a turnout of nearly 40,000 guests, setting a new single-day benchmark.

This evolution in the face of difficult circumstances — and the subsequent success in spite of them — mirrors other major auto shows across North America this year. 

Despite some manufacturers choosing not to participate in the auto show format, the overall level of interest by media, partners, and most importantly, attendees, was up across the board. 

The Vancouver event included many of the traditional facets of an auto show — featuring a dazzling display of the latest models, concept cars, luxury supercars, and meticulously restored classics. 

Clean energy vehicles took centre stage at each auto manufacturer exhibit space and the expanded EV and PHEV Test Drive Experience provided a record number of vehicles for attendees to get behind the wheel of — and a record number of guests took full advantage of the opportunity. 

Part of the challenge of creating a re-imagined Auto Show was ensuring it catered to a broader audience and provided something for everyone. With that in mind, we introduced several new and innovative features while also showcasing the evolving landscape of the automotive industry. 

The VIAS provided a spotlight for emerging talents and celebrated diversity within the automotive sector — like 17-year-old Canadian race car prodigy Nicole Havrda, who was on hand to chat with fans and inspire a whole new generation of drivers. 

An entire segment of the program was also dedicated to the Women’s Auto Show Corner, organized by Vivian Liu, founder of Vancouver-based start-up Making Auto Easy (MAE), a group that aims to empower women to make them more confident car buyers and car owners. 

This section highlighted the VIAS’s commitment to fostering talent and empowering the next cohort of industry leaders.

The 2024 VIAS was a celebration of cars; but it was also a testament to resilience, innovation, and the enduring spirit of the automotive community in Western Canada. 

The show has officially set a new benchmark — and the best part about records? They’re made to be broken. 

See you in 2025!

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