Compassion with a purpose

CADA 360 offers dealer members digital, printed and online educational resources to help keep employees healthy, happy and productive.

For the dealership benefits administrator, staying on top of all the benefit program details while staying abreast of all the latest medical and health advice is a tall order.

“That’s why we offer a vast amount of free educational resources for our dealer members about health and wellness related topics,” said Michael Psotka, CADA’s CFO and Director of Member Services. “We make the information readily available for dealers to use so they can access it in whichever fashion makes the most sense for them and encourage dealers to distribute info to their own employees”

Whether it’s posters for their lunch room on health related topics, educational webinars, a new CADA 360 digital E-newsletter or in-depth articles, the CADA 360 team reaches out to industry experts to provide the latest research and make available information on best practices and current information.

“For many dealerships, it’s usually one person who is the benefits administrator,” said Cindy Robinson, Director, Governance & Plan Management, CADA Employee Life & Health Trust. “That’s a lot of responsibility and we want to make sure they are armed with the latest knowledge. Our philosophy is that fostering physically healthy and emotionally healthy plan members leads to engaged, productive and at work employees.”

While the educational resources might be on topics as varied as brain health, dental care, mental health and wellness, coping with irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, heart health, and physical fitness there is one common purpose — better education leads to better health outcomes. “For dealers, sharing this information with their team members, and ensuring they are as healthy as they can be, can also have a direct benefit of lowering the overall costs of the plan,” said Robinson. “For example, an employee who is encouraged to eat better and exercise more could reduce their risk of diabetes and other health concerns that could require a lifetime of medication to treat.”

“Our philosophy is that fostering physically healthy and emotionally healthy plan members leads to engaged, productive and at work employees.” — Cindy Robinson, Director, Governance & Plan Management, CADA Employee Life & Health Trust

Robinson said one upcoming webinar is on mental health, where dealerships can learn about how to better support someone suffering with a mental health issue.

There are also updates for new developments like discounts offered for pharmacogenetic tests. These special tests help examine your genetic profile to help determine which mental health medications will be the most effective for you, and not have undesired effects. “CADA wants to make sure that our CADA 360 Employee Benefits members have the best health outcomes, so we negotiated an exclusive discount for CADA 360 members,” said Robinson.

Finding the right medication for someone’s mental health condition can be a long process of trial and error, so these types of advanced testing procedures can really help someone get the right medication for them more quickly.

“We feel like we can make a difference that will ultimately lead to lower benefits costs for dealers and employees who share in their costs,” said CADA’s Psotka. “Healthy members translate into people who are at work, being productive and using less benefits in the end.”

The CADA 360 digital E-newsletter is sent out once a month to CADA 360 members, and it contains new articles on key topics, links to register for upcoming webinars, and program updates.

Back issues of the newsletter are also available and archived online so that members can continue to access the information resources as needed. CADA President, Tim Reuss encourages dialogue and communications with its members and believes that that has been a key driver for the association and it differentiates the CADA 360 programs from the competition.

“There’s valuable information to share that can help people be healthier and happier,” said Reuss. “By working together to share the latest information, we are offering more than just a benefits program, we are helping make a meaningful difference in the lives of our member dealers and their teams. That’s rewarding.”

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