Protection with a payback

Offering affordable Home and Auto insurance to your employees is an added benefit that can help retention and recruitment efforts.

CADA member dealers who want to enhance the overall benefits package for their employees can offer them access to a preferred rate group program and the special treatment that comes with being part of the CADA 360 Home and Auto Insurance plan.

Offering this perk comes at no cost to the dealers. And in fact, any dealer can offer this to the employees regardless of what other CADA programs they are signed up with.

It’s all about awareness and ensuring that the employees are aware that the CADA 360 Home and Auto Insurance program is an option when placing their personal insurance. Upon request, CADA can provide marketing materials and links to the dealer to allow employees to access the ability to receive a personalized quote.

“At CADA, we believe that this is an option that the HR Departments of our member dealers should be excited about. It benefits the employee, at no direct cost to the dealer. Being part of a group plan is something that many dealer employees would not otherwise have access to,” said Michael Psotka, CADA’s CFO and Director of Member Services.

People know that negotiating the best rates for home and auto insurance is time consuming and complex. The plan’s objective is to minimize the effort required and provide great rates. And when it comes to settling a claim, being part of a group plan allows participants to get preferential treatment as they are part of a large critical mass of business.

“As an employee of a CADA member, our goal is to over-service the advice-based client. That employee is going to receive preferential treatment because they are part of CADA family,” said Anthea McFarland, Senior Vice President, Personal Insurance and Private Client Management, HUB International, the broker who administers the program for CADA. “That partnership carries a lot of weight with the insurers, and a member acting alone would not have that scale.”

McFarland says this is particularly helpful when an employee has an issue with a claim. “What we’re doing though is ensuring the right eyes are on it, and the attention is on it. CADA has come to me multiple times where there is an issue. We jump on it very promptly because of the importance of being part of that membership,” said McFarland.

“When you are a dealership employee, and you join our Home & Auto insurance program, you can get a 15 per cent reduction. It works as an added bonus when hiring employees and contributes to employee retention too.” — Laurie Maher, CADA 360 Program Manager

Being part of the program also means dealership employees can expect a high level of personal contact. “There’s no call center, there’s no call rotation. I get to know you, and when you call me when you need something, whether you purchase a new car, you’re buying a house, you’re thinking about buying something. It’s a personal relationship,” said McFarland.

McFarland says the company also stays on top of the latest industry trends and ensures the policies will meet the needs of individual policyholders. “We’re very in tune with the marketplace and what’s going on,” she said. “For example, we have never seen auto thefts like we are seeing right now. There’s so much information we like to share with our clients to help educate them about how to protect their assets.”

“It’s an approach that works well,” said Psotka, “Having a broker like Hub International represent a large group of employees that are part of CADA 360 Home & Auto Insurance gives them the leverage of being part of a group plan. Employees get competitive rates on insurance, and superior customer service.”

The discounted rates employees can secure are always popular. “When you are a dealership employee, and you join our Home & Auto insurance program, you can get a 15 per cent reduction,” said Laurie Maher, CADA 360 Program Manager. “It works as an added bonus when hiring employees and contributes to employee retention too.”

Having programs like this benefits dealers and their employees but also benefits CADA. “Unlike other private insurance firms, a portion of the proceeds from our member’s participation in the CADA 360 Home and Auto insurance program flow back to CADA to fund our advocacy work on behalf of dealers,” said Tim Reuss, President and CEO of CADA.

“Our association is always adding more value to our CADA 360 programs so that they can compete in the marketplace, and deliver funding to help our association fight for dealer interests.”

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