Category: Opinion

Year end grab bag

December 30, 2022

As I write my last publisher’s note of the year, I’d like to clear out some odds and ends I thought worth highlighting. Back together again I’d like to thank the provincial dealer associations across the country for their commitment …

Economy, whither art thou?

October 31, 2022

Over the last six months or so, we’ve seen the economic outlook go from strong to not strong. The expectation now is that we’re facing a recession through 2023. I thought it might be worth a slightly deeper look at …

Emerging and connecting

October 31, 2022

As we, as a society, emerge from the pandemic, and we, as an industry, see glimmers of the end of historic supply shortages, I’m doing a bit of a slow emergence myself, from behind the scenes to being a more …

Do you trust your gut?

September 30, 2022

When it comes to making key decisions, it’s always an interesting question: does someone with years (or decades) of industry experience rely on their “gut” instinct or numbers in a spreadsheet to make a decision?  Dealers have to make key …

How’s your tech stack?

July 29, 2022

Every so often, you hear a term or phrase used often enough that it penetrates your consciousness.  Like, “tech stack.”  At Universus, we were doing an analysis of our own tech stack, to see if our tools were suitable for …

Really, it’s all about the people

July 29, 2022

Over many years and many roles, I’ve had the chance to collaborate and commiserate with a remarkable list of professionals, partners and friends. I’d like to take a moment to recognize three of those people. Two of them played pivotal …

Meet the new editor!

June 3, 2022

Some of you might have seen a news story in our e-news announcing that Stephanie MacDonald was named the new editor of Canadian auto dealer.  I was really touched when the head of one of Canada’s largest dealer groups reached …

Kilometres driven vs. fuel prices

June 3, 2022

How much Canadians use their vehicles is a strong predictor of revenue opportunities in both vehicle sales and fixed operations. Particularly fixed operations. Dealers know that all too well. At a time when inventories are basically non-existent, the need to …

Life is between the dash

April 29, 2022

Like many of our readers, I was saddened to learn of the passing of Sean O’Regan, 53, one of the kindest and most beloved car dealers I’ve had the pleasure to meet. I met Sean at a variety of events, …

Ready or not?

March 28, 2022

I interviewed some of Canada’s best-known dealers for a segment for the virtual CADA Summit held last month.  It was a fun, lighthearted piece to help break up the day, and inject some dealer content into the event. One of …